Schedule at SRR
What’s an ordinary day like at Skylight Respite Ranch? It is filled with wholesome, productive activities such as gardening, cooking, animal care, and group discussions. New places are always a bit frightening at first to most kids. Our schedule is posted so everyone knows what to expect. This keeps things predictable and less chaotic. Still, when kids are stressed, we’re flexible enough to stop and reflect while feelings are shared and calm is restored.
7:00 AM – Wake & dress
7:30 AM – Animal care/Prepare breakfast
8:00 AM – Eat breakfast
8:30 AM – Clean kitchen/Bathrooms/Main areas
9:00 AM – Morning activities (3 groups)
12:00 noon – Lunch & clean up
1:00 PM – Discussion group & music
2:00 PM – Afternoon activities (3 groups)
5:00 PM – Dinner
6:00 PM – Clean kitchen/Animal care
7:00 PM – Shower
7:30 PM – Evening gathering (prayer, story, scripture, song)
9:00 PM – Lights out